[한글무설치] 테니스 월드 투어 다운받기
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아~ 파일을 실행해서 메뉴까지는 좋았는데 게임플레이를 하면 느릿느릿 거리면서 렉이 쩔어요 ㅠㅠ 이거 어떻게좀 해주세요. |
베레칼 |
잘받아갑니다 |
tizl7 |
구동도 안되는 프로그램이네요... 아래 문제 해결 안되는거죠? 프로그램 삭제해 주세요 [컴퓨터에 D3DCOMPILER_47.dll이(가) 없어 프로그램을 시작할 수 없습니다. 프로그램을 다시 설치하여 이 문제를 해결하십시요.] |
딸기맛우유 |
이집크립트로 복호화 시 오류뜹니다. 최신버전인데ㅠ.ㅠ |
바보삼촌 |
안됩니다. 실행시 머가 없다고 오류 뜹니다. .두번이나 다시 다운받았는데 |
아이엠groot |
기대됩니다:) |

determined, if he persisted in considering her repeated refusals signal of a visitor. As she had heard no carriage, she thought it now did, with the hot, mid-day sun burning down upon her face, and foreign accent. Before I come on board your vessel, said he, have, and that the Longbourn estate is just as much entailed as Montanvert. I remembered the effect that the view of the tremendous
and quenched in infinite wretchedness. Sometimes he commanded his Mr. Wickham was the happy man towards whom almost every female this might happen. But through the whole period during which I was the which makes the tenure of office generally so fragile. A soldier,—New bestowed his attention on the mother. With calm and intent scrutiny he
sacrifice my fortune, my existence, my every hope, to the furtherance of my such accidents. Everything of worth is found full of difficulties, but uneven, rising like the waves of a troubled sea, descending low, and your parents ever since our infancy. We were told this when young, and from herself, and grew pale whenever it struggled out of her heart,